Belajar Listening Toefl 3

Skill 3: Hindari Bunyi Kata yang Mirip
Seringkali jawabanan yang salah dalam Listening Part A ialah kata-kata yang suara pengucapannya menyerupai tapi tentu saja maknanya tidak sama. Anda harus betul-betul menghindari jawabanan menyerupai ini.


On the recording, you hear:
Man                             Why couldn’t Mark come with us?
(Woman)                     He was searching for a new apartment.
(narrator)                     What does the woman say about Mark?

In your test book, you read:
(A)             He was in the department office.
(B)              He was looking for a place to live
(C)              He was working on his research paper.
(D)             He had an appointment at church.

Kata kunci pada baris ke dua yaitu searching dan apartment. Pada jawabanan (C) dan (D), kata research dan church berbunyi menyerupai dengan kata search, jadi ke dua jawabanan ini salah. Pada jawabanan (A) dan (D), kata department dan appointment berbunyi menyerupai dengan kata apartment, jadi jawabanan ini salah. Olehnya, jawabanan paling sempurna yaitu (B).

Strategi menghadapi Listening Part A (skill 3):
1.      Identifikasi kata-kata kunci pada baris ke dua percakapan.
2.      Identifikasi kata-kata kunci di jawabanan yang cara pengucapannya menyerupai dan tidakboleh pilih jawabanan-jawabanan tersebut.

Exercise: di tes soal ini, temukan dan garis bawahi kata kunci pada dari baris ke dua percakapan Kemudian garis bawahi kata-kata yang suara pengucapannya menyerupai dan pilihlah jawabanan paling tepat. Ingat bahwa kemungkinan besar jawabana yang benar yaitu jawabanan yang tidak meliputi kata yang suara pengucapannya menyerupai dengan baris ke dua percakapan.

1. (Woman)    : I heard that Sally just moved into a new, big  house near  the beach.
    (Man)         : But, Sally doesn't have a cent!
    (Narrator)  : What does the man mean?

    (A) Sally has no sense of responsibility
    (B) Sally sent her friend to the house.
    (C) Sally has no money
    (D) Sally is on the set with her.

2. (woman    : Di they get the news over they wanted?
    (Man)       : No. They lacked the money.
    (Narrator) : What does the woman mean?

   (A) They locked the map in a car
   (B) They looked many times in the car
   (C) It cost a lot of money when the car leaked oil
   (D) They didn't have enough money to buy another car

3.  (Man)    : Have you finished packing yet?
   (Woman) : You should call the porter to get the suitcases.
   (Narrator) : What does the woman mean?

   (A) it's important to pack the suitcases
   (B) They need help carrying their bags
   (C) The man should pack his suit in case he needs it
   (D) The suitcases are quite portable

TOEFL EXERCISE: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and questions in the recording kegiatan and then choose the best answer to the questions. You should be careful to avoid answers with similar sounds (HINDARI JAWABAN YANG BUNYI PENGUCAPANNYA MIRIP)

Silahkan klik audio di samping untuk mendengarkan rekamannya. Tunggu beberapa dikala untuk loading. Bisa di download (denganIDM).

1. (A) She has to wait for some cash
    (B) The waiter is bringing a glass of water
    (C) The lawn is too dry
    (D) She needs to watch out for a crash

2. (A) The sweater's the wrong size
    (B) The man's feet aren't sweating
    (C) The sweater makes the man seem fat
    (D) The sweet girl doesn't feel right

3. (A) He has been regularly using a computer
    (B) He communicates with a Boston Company
    (C) He regularly goes to communities around Boston
    (D) He has been traveling back and forth to Boston

4. (A) He though the lesson didn't matter.
    (B) He couldn't learn the lesson
    (C) He learned a massive number of details
    (D) He didn't like most of the lesson

5. (A) Some animals started the first fire
    (B) Animals are killed by forest fires
    (C) In the first frost, animals die
    (D) Frost can kill animals

6. (A) Twenty pairs of shoes are on sale
    (B) The shoe salesclerk spent twenty dollars on papers
    (C) The shoes cost twenty dollars
    (D) The shoes could be repaired for twenty dollars

7. (A) Tom shoes cost twenty dollars.
    (B) Attendance wasn't necessary at biology lab
    (C) Tom went to biology lab
    (D) There was a tendency to require biology class

8. (A) The meal will be served at noon
    (B) The males should be driven there by noon
    (C) He's expecting the ice to meals
    (D) The letters ought to be delivered at 12:00

9. (A) The weather will probably get worse
    (B) The newspaper headlines described a bad weather
    (C) There was news about a head string man
    (D) He has a new bed.
10. (A) If he could do the grocery shopping.
    (B) If she prefers cooked vegetables or slad.
    (C) If she could help prepare the salad.
    (D) if she minds shopping for vegetables.

Answer Keys:
  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
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