Contoh Soal Short Functional Text Greeting Card Kunci Jawaban

misal Soal Short Functional Text Greeting Card Kunci Jawaban

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran

It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.
Congratulations on your new home
May your new place give you ….
Warmth, happiness and lots of joy!

Your sincerely
Mr. and Mrs. Iswahyudi

1. From the text we can say that Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran have just …a new house.
A. sold
B. built
C. bought
D. moved into
Untuk soal no. 1 ini, ada yang beropini bahwa jawabanan yang benar ialah pilihan D. Moved into. Penulis EMC sendiri lebih cenderung menentukan pilihan C. Bought. melaluiataubersamaini alasan phrase "new home." New place sendiri mengarah ke new home.

2. What is Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Sidiq‟s purpose for sending the card?
A. To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran for their moving into a new house.
B. To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran's house.
C. To ask Mr and Mrs. Muammar Jumranto come to their house.
D. To help Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran build guaw house.

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