Daftar Kata Kerja Diikuti Oleh Gerund

Daftar kata kerja  yang diikuti oleh verb gerund:

  1. admit
He admitted stealing the money.
  2. advise*
She advised waiting until tomorrow.
  3. anticipate
I anticipate having a good time on vacation.
  4. appreciate
I appreciated hearing from them.
  5. avoid
He avoided answering my question.
  6. can't bear*
I can't bear waiting in long lines.
  7. begin*
It began raining.
  8. complete
I finally completed writing my term paper.
  9. consider
I will consider going with you.
10. continue*
He continued speaking.
11. delay
He delayed leaving for school.
12. deny
She denied committing the crime.
13. discuss
They discussed opening a new business.
14. dislike
I dislike driving long distances.
15. enjoy
We enjoyed visiting them.
16. finish
She finished studying about ten.
17. forget*
I'll never forget visiting Napoleon's tomb.
18. hate*
I hate making silly mistakes.
19. can't help
I can't help worrying about it.
20. keep
I keep hoping he will come.
21. like*
I like going to movies.
22. love*
I love going to operas.
23. mention
She mentioned going to a movie.
24. mind
Would you mind helping me with this?
25. miss
I miss being with my family.
26. postpone
Let's postpone until tomorrow.
27. practice
The athlete practiced throwing the ball.
28. prefer*
Ann prefers walking to driving to work.
29. quit
He quit trying to solve the problem.
30. recall
I don't recall meeting him before.
31. recollect
I don't recollect meeting him before.
32. recommend
She recommended seeing the show.
33. regret*
I regret telling him my secret.
34. remember*
I can remember meeting him when I was a child.
35. resent
I resent her interfering in my business.
36. resist
I couldn't resist eating the dessert.
37. risk
She risks losing all of her money.
38. can't stand*
I can't stand waiting in long lines.
39. start*
It started raining.
40. stop*
She stopped going to classes when she got sick.
41. suggest
She suggested going to a movie.
42. tolerate
She won't tolerate cheating during an examination.
43. try*
I tried changing the light bulb, but the lamp still didn't work.
44. understand
I don't understand his leaving school.

Kata kerja yang ditandai dengan sebuah bullet (*) juga dapat diikuti verb infinitive. Kata kerja yang berwarna merah memiliki arti yang tidak sama saat diikuti verb gerunda atau verb infinitive.
  • Forget
    a) I often forget to lock the door. (aku sering lupa untuk mengunci pintu)
    b) I'll never forget seeing America for the first time. (aku tidak akan pernah melupakan kenangan Amerika saat saya melihatnya untuk pertama kalinya)
    Forget + infinitive bermakan lupa untuk melaksanakan sebuah kewajiban/tugas.
    Forget + gerund bermakna melupakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau. Forget + gerund biasanya spesialuntuk teradi pada kalimat negative dan question.

  • Prefer
    a) I prefer staying home to going to the concert.
    b) I prefer to stay home than go to the concert.
    Forget + gerund atau forget + infinitive memiliki makna yang tidak tidak sama. Perbedaannya terletak pada bentuk struktur kalimatnya. Perhatikan TO dan THAN. To dan than diatas bermakna daripada.

  • Regret
    a) We regret to tell you that you failed the test.(kami menyesal harus menyampaikan bahwa Anda tidak lulus)
    b) I regret telling him the secret. He told every one about that secret. (aku menyesal sudah menceritakan belakang layar itu kepadanya. Dia menceritakan tiruana orang tentang belakang layar itu)
    Regret + infinitive bermakna menceritakan suatu kabar buruk/tidak sesuai harapan.
    Regret + gerund bermakna menyesal atas insiden yang sudah terjadi.

  • Remember
    a) Mike always remembers to lock the door. (Mike selalu ingat untuk mengunci pintu)
    b) I remember seeing my wife for the first time. She looked so beautiful. (aku mengenang kenangan saat saya melihat istri saya untuk pertama kalinya. Dia nampak begitu cantik)
    Remember + infinitive bermakna ingat untuk melaksanakan tugas.
    Remember + gerund bermakna mengenang insiden masa lalu.

  • Stop
    a) My grandma stopped smoking when he was 30. (kakek saya berhenti merokok saat berumur 30 tahun)
    b) When I was walking down the street, I stopped to talk to my old friend. (ketika saya sedang jalan-jalan, saya berhenti untuk berbicara ke seorang mitra usang aku)
    Stop + gerund bermakna berhenti.
    Stop + infinitive bermakna berhenti dengan tujuan.

  • Try
    a) I'm trying to learn English.
    b) The room was hot. I tried opening the window, but that didn't help. So I tried turning on the fan, but I was still hot. Finally, I turned on the air conditioner.
    Try + infinitive bermakna mencoba.
    Try + gerunda bermakna bereksperimen atau mencoba dengan cara yang baru/tidak sama untuk tahu apa berhasil atau tidak.
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