Pengertian Dan Referensi Simple Sentence Dalam Tes Toefl

Pengertian Umum dari Simple Sentence

Simple sentence mencakup satu kombinasi Subject (S) dan Verb (V). Berikut tumpuan sederhana dari simple sentence (kalimat sederhana).
  • Ali plays football everyday. (Subject yakni `Ali` dan verb `plays`.)
  • The student often sleeps early at night. (Subject `the student` dan verb `sleeps`)
  • Budi and Ali are friends. (Subject Budi and Ali dan verb are. Kalimat ini tetap dianggap simple sentence alasannya spesialuntuk satu kombinasi subject dan verb, walaupun subjectnya dua. Dianggap satu kombinasi alasannya dua subject yang tidak sama tapi tetap memakai verb yang sama.)
  • Anto speak English fluently and can write in Arabic. (Subjectnya yakni `Anto` dan verb yakni `speaks` dan `can write`. Walaupun dua verb, kalimat ini tetap dianggap simple sentence alasannya dua verb yang tidak sama tapi subject yang sama.)
  • Anto can speak English, but Budi doesn`t understand English. (Kalimat ini BUKAN simple sentence alasannya subject `Anto` dan subject `Budi` mempunyai verb yang tidak sama. Pola kalimat ini yakni SV SV. Kalimat ini mempunyai dua clause, sementar simple sentence spesialuntuk satu clause, yaitu satu kombinasi subject dan verb.)

Berikut lebih jauh tumpuan kalimat simple sentence:
(1) People need vitamins.
(2) The man took a vitamin pill.
(3) There are 3 students in class.
(4) In the summer, Tom walks to his office.
(5) It doesn’t snow in Indonesia.

Latihan soal Simple Sentence untuk tes TOEFL

Dalam soal-soal tes TOEFL, kesalahan yang mesti dihindari yakni belum sempurnanya Subject atau Verb dan kelebihan Subject atau Verb. Berikut contoh-contoh soal tes.
Problems in TOEFL: either the subject or the verb is missing; either there is an extra subject & an extra verb.
  • ___________ was backed up for miles on the freeway.
    (A) Yesterday; (B) In the morning; (C) Traffic; Cars
  • Engineers ___________ for work on the new space program.
    (A) necessary; (B) are needed; (C) hopefully; (D) next month
  • The boy ______ going to the movies with a friend.
    (A) he is; (B) he always was; (C) is relaxing; (D) will be
  • _______ found the movie theater.
    (A) Has; (B) He; (C) Later; (D) When
  • Beluga whale mothers, for example, they nurse their calves for some twenty months.
  • The art of storytelling almost as old as humanity
  • An insect, after hatching, it feeds its young.
  • Last week built a new house together near the river.

Beirkut kunci jawabanan dari soal diatas.
  • Traffic was backed up for miles on the freeway.
  • Engineers are needed for work on the new space program.
  • The boy is going to the movies with a friend.
  • He found the movie theater.
  • Beluga whale mothers, for example, nurse their calves for some twenty months.
  • The art of storytelling is almost as old as humanity.
  • An insect, after hatching, feeds its young.
  • Last week they built a new house together near the river.

Berikut daftar soal TOEFL khusus untuk bahan Simple Sentences (S V).
  • The art of storytelling ___ almost as old as humanity.
    (A) that is (B) is (C) it is (D) being
  • Duke Ellington wrote ____ during his career.
    (A) that over a thousand songs (B) over a thousand songs
    (C) over a thousand songs were (D) there were over a thousand songs
  • Larch and spruce trees ____ in bogs and wet areas of the northern United States.
    (A) found (B) are found (C) have found  (D) finding
  • __________images out of clay, stone, and metal.
    (A) The shaping of sculpture (B) Sculpting the shapes
    (C) To shape sculpture  (D) Sculptors shape
  • __________dates from the end of the eighteenth century.
    (A) The modern circus (B) That the modern circus (C) While the modern circus (D) The modern circus that

Simple sentence juga dikenal dengan istilah `dependent clause`, yaitu clause yang dapat bangkit sendiri.

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