Skripsi: The Effects Of Pre-Questioning On The Reading Comprehension Achievement (A Quasi Experimental Study)

The Effects of Pre-Questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement 
(A Quasi Experimental Study)

The objective of the study is to find out the information about the effect of using pre-questioning on the reading comprehension achievement. A quasi experimental method is applied in this research with pre test-post test Equivalent Group Design. This research has been executed at Madrasah Aliyah Manaratul Islam Jakarta with the total number of sample is 64 which divided into two classes: 32 samples for experimental class and 32 samples for control class. The technique of data collecting used pre-test and post-test. The multiple choice was the instrument test to get the result of the study. Analysis of the data used the ttest. In the significant level of reading comprehension achievement is 5% at dk = 61, with normaliity and homogenity pre-requirement test, with the statistical calculate result. It gets tcount 2,52 value and ttab in the 5% significant level dk = 61 is 1,99 value. So, this research gets tcount bigger than ttab. It shows that 0 hypotesis (Ho) is rejected and hypotesis of research (Ha) is accepted

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