The Relationship between Student's Interest in Speaking and Their Speaking Score
English is a language used in all aspects of communication, science, and technology. All of them can be actualized through speaking, beside other basic skill such as listening, reading, and writing. Many students do not realize the importance of speaking, therefore, the teacher are hoped to make the students interested in speaking and motivate them to speak. The students, who are interested in speaking, enjoy their learning. They always feel happy and ready to do any task given by the teacher. As a result, they can get a good score in doing the tasks.
This purpose of the research is to find out the question of: “is there any correlation between students’ interest in speaking and their speaking score?”
The method used in conducting this research is correlational study. She takes only one class as the subject. She gave each of the students a questionnaire related to the students’ interest in speaking to be collaborating with their speaking score. The research itself takes place at MTsN Parung. It is located at Lebakwangi Parung-Bogor.
The result of the analysis in the research showed that there is positive correlation between students’ interest in speaking and their speaking score. Interest gives positive influence in teaching-learning speaking skill. Students who have higher interest in speaking get a better score than the lower one.
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